Physical Wellness 4 U

Physical Wellness 4 U

The foundational goal of Ayurveda is well-being for the mind, body, and spirit and this is accomplished by utilizing holistic and natural principles to obtain and sustain balance within.  When the mind, body, and spirit are balanced, we are free of illness and disease. Your physical wellness depends on habits that help your body stay fit and healthy. To enhance your physical wellness, you should take care of your body by engaging in physical activity, eating properly to supply your nutritional needs, and taking care of your emotional and mental well-being.


Knowing how your body, mind, and emotions are intertwined is crucial to achieving wellness.



Physical Activity

Activity is a cornerstone to physical wellness. If you want your body to be in top condition, you need to move your muscles and exercise your heart regularly. Exercise can help control your weight, strengthen your muscles and bones, reduce your risk for stroke and other diseases, and give you more energy. Plus, regular exercise is excellent for your mental outlook and emotional well-being.



Your body and all its many, complex cells, tissues, and organs need a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet. Eating whole foods that are full of the necessary minerals and vitamins helps you stay healthy, enhances your immune system, helps you fight the signs of aging, and gives you the energy you need each day. Focus on eating whole foods that are primarily plant-based for optimal nutrition.

Mental Wellness

To be in top shape physically, you have to take care of your mind and spirit, as well. Your physical wellness helps you stay cognitively sharp, enhances your memory, and enables you to maintain a positive outlook. When you are physically well, you have higher self-esteem.



How To Achieve Physical Wellness

Knowing how your body, mind, and emotions are intertwined is crucial to achieving wellness. The path to physical wellness includes how your emotions guide your behavior as well as how your fitness and nutrition influence how you feel about yourself. When you are physically well, you understand the principles of good health, you make choices that lead to your well-being, and you regularly reevaluate to determine your current physical needs. This is part of using the principles of Ayurveda to maintain balance.

Here are some tips for achieving physical wellness:

  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Make sure that at least three of those days each week involve more strenuous activity that works your heart, lungs, and muscles.
  • Walk as much as possible, including to accomplish your daily goals and activities. Take the stairs whenever you have the choice, too.
  • Monitor your health and address issues when they start to become a problem.
  • Eat a variety of whole, plant-based foods at each meal. Eliminate as many processed, packaged, and prepared foods from your diet as possible.
  • Get at least seven hours of restful sleep each night. Maintain a consistent schedule that allows you to go to bed and wake at the same time each day.
  • Protect yourself from diseases by getting regular check-ups and practicing safe sex.

Embrace your radiance here.

Wishing You Peace To Your Mind, Wellness To Your Body and Tranquility To Your Spirit.

Rochel Marie Lawson

The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

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