Reverse Mourning the Mornings

Reverse Mourning the Mornings

How many of you dread waking up in the morning? No matter how much sleep you get you simply hate getting up in the morning and not because you are tired but rather because it is the morning? We have all been there. It’s morning and when that dreaded alarm clock goes off you muster up all the ump you have in you and you either hit the snooze button or you get up.

Sadly most of us are sleep deprived due to various reasons from insomnia to over stimulation of the mind. When we are plague with sleep challenges it is difficult for our brains and bodies that have been asleep for hours, to shift from sleep to wake at the sound of an alarm. Often times a busy day lies ahead so we must struggle to get a grip on our immediate racing thoughts upon waking up. Having a morning mindfulness routine and practice can help awaken the brain and bring balance and focus to your morning. You may even find with a regular routine of morning mindfulness, you begin to enjoy waking up for the quiet and peaceful moments that starts your day.

Here are a few blissful tips to help you enjoy waking up in the morning.

Upon Waking Up Observe Your Breath

Feel your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Focus on this breath and allow your mind to engage in the process of inhaling and exhaling. If your mind wanders in to other thoughts such as how you would like to just stay in bed, simply note the thought, take 5 more deep breaths in and release them out then rise and get out of bed.

Let The Sunshine In

Upon arising out of bed, before you do anything else such as going to the bathroom or taking a shower, open up the blinds and curtains in your room and let the sunshine in. If the day is a cloudy day do not fret, still open up your window dressings and let the day light in. This has an immediate effect on your brain stimulating the receptors in the brain that differentiate day and night. The light awakens the brain, which then sends signals to the body to wake up and get ready for the day.

Find A Comfortable Spot

Once you have opened up your windows, find a comfortable spot to sit near the window, stretch your arms over your head and then relax them at your sides and let the warmth of the sunshine hit your face so that it can awaken the circulation in your face. Thus further enhancing the mindfulness waking up process.

Observe The Weather

Look out the window and bath your face in the natural light. Take a moment to observe the weather outside as you gaze out your window from your comfortable spot. Notice if the day is sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy or foggy? What color is the sky? How bright is the sunshining?
Become aware of your feelings, positive or negative about the current weather situation outside. Notice what arises in your mind as you allow yourself to experience the weather in this manner. Take a deep breath in and release it out.

Stand Up And Start Your Day

Plant your feet firmly on the ground and sit there for a moment or two. Notice the texture of the floor. Is it carpeted, hard wood or tile? Does it feel cold? Hot? Stand straight up, stretch your arms up high above your head and take a deep breath in and exhale out, lower your arms and get moving toward your Blissful Day!

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS
The Queen of Feeing Fabulous
Twitter: @rochelelawson

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