Don’t Be a Germ Spreader

Are you aware that some of the things that you do on a daily basis can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing? I want to share with you some simple tips that you may not even be aware of: things that you can do to keep you and your family healthy and well. In fact, it’s these little things that can actually have a profound effect in stopping the spreading of germs, and it’s important that you pay close attention so that you don’t become a germ

1) When nature calls, germs, including fecal matter, are released into the air and can land on surfaces just like when you sneeze or cough. If you’re someone that texts while you’re on the toilet, cut it out. Even if you wash your hands before leaving the bathroom, the bacteria that you picked up can land on the screen of your phone. No one ever thinks of stuff like this. The next time you are using the bathroom and are tempted to text, don’t! Wait until you’re done. Make sure to wash your hands before you leave the restroom for at least 15 seconds. Once you’re outside the restroom, you can pull out your phone to text. It may just save you from getting sick or passing along nasty bacteria to those that you love and care about.
2) Opt for using liquid soap when washing your hands instead of using a bar of soap. That bar of soap can actually become a breeding ground for germs and when that soap is used by multiple people, guess what? You pick up multiple germs. Yuck!
3) Instead of using a hand towel to dry your hands, use paper towels or provide a fresh hand towel to everyone in your family. This will prevent the spreading of germs among family members and will prevent bacteria from building up on the moist towel, a breeding ground for those nasty little germs. Want to be environmentally conscious? Then provide a fresh towel to every family member and change them daily

4) When washing your hands, make sure to get the liquid soap under your fingernails, which is a breeding ground for that nasty little bacteria. Wash your hands with the liquid soap for at least 15 to 20 seconds to get them squeaky clean. Try singing the happy birthday song twice or saying the alphabet twice. Doing that would take you about 20 seconds. This will assure that your hands and the space under your fingernails get clean. Teach your children to do this as well. This one thing can have a profound effect on reducing the spreading of colds and the flu within your household.
5) When using a public restroom, skip the hand drying machines. They don’t really dry your hands and they can also disperse bacteria in the air and throughout the restroom. Gross! Your best bet is to use the paper towels or carry napkins in the restroom with you to get your hands dry. And, when leaving the restroom, if there is a door that you need to open, use a paper towel, napkin or piece of your clothing to open the door to prevent yourself from picking up germs left on the door handle by someone that left the restroom who did not wash their hands. Remember, not everyone that uses the restroom washes their hands. I know! Gross!adult-alcohol-clean-257279

If you get in the habit of doing these 5 things and sharing this information with your family, you are bound to cut your chances of picking up a nasty germ that may make you sick.

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Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body, and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

Don’t Be a Germ Spreader

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