Are the dietary habits of your early years sabotaging your health now?

Are the dietary habits of your early years sabotaging your health now?

Not only does what you eat today affect your current health, but it can affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being today, tomorrow, and well into the future. You are, after all, what you eat. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is clean up your diet. Good nutrition is the cornerstone of health and wellness, as your body gets everything it needs from the foods you consume. When you combine diet with physical activity, you can control your weight, manage medical conditions, and reduce your risk factors for many chronic diseases.


The Impact of Your Nutritional Habits

As a nation, we are heavier today than ever before. More adults and children today are overweight or obese than at any time in history, and this excess weight is contributing to a massive rise in chronic diseases and preventable deaths. Among the conditions most affected by excess weight are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Making smart food choices can help protect you from a number of diseases and allow you to live healthier and longer. Your dietary habits were established in your early years. If those habits were not the healthiest, it’s not too late to form new patterns and make better choices for your health.

Among the many things contributing to the increase in obesity and nutrition-related illnesses is the prevalence of processed foods, high-fat foods, and added sugars. There is a clear link between proper nutrition, maintaining a healthy weight, lowered rates of chronic diseases, and longer life expectancy. If you want to feel better, look better, have more energy, and become healthier, change the way you eat!



How To Improve Your Diet

Here are some tips for eating a healthy diet:

  • Take the Unique Body Type Quiz
  • Prepare your food from scratch using whole foods. Pass on processed ingredients and packaged meals in favor of foods you make yourself.
  • Fill at least half your plate with vegetables or fruit. Eating mostly plants is the best way to get all the nutrients and fiber your body desperately needs, so make these miracle foods at least half of every meal.
  • Cut back on the dairy. Cow’s milk and dairy products are high in fat and contain proteins and other compounds linked to increased rates of certain types of cancer. Eat dairy sparingly or switch to nut based milk.
  • Eat more fish. Fatty fish like salmon and herring and excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart health.
  • Get help to lose weight and to keep the weight off. Those that get assistance with this are much more likely to be successful with their weight-loss efforts and goals.





As a nation, we are heavier today than ever before.

Don’t let those years catch up! Take the first step to bouncing back here.

Wishing You Peace To Your Mind, Wellness To Your Body and Tranquility To Your Spirit.

Rochel Marie Lawson- The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

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