Laughing Your Way Into Meditation

Laughing Your Way Into Meditation

Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn’t stop? Doesn’t it feel good right after a long bout of genuine laughter?


While scientists continue to study laughter’s precise health effects, to some people the benefits are self-evident: laughter creates a shift in your mood in mere minutes; it encourages deeper breathing by opening up your lungs, which increases the oxygen in your bloodstream. More oxygen in the blood stream means an increase in the amount of oxygen that travels throughout your body and to your brain.


For quite a few years now, ‘laughter meditation’ is a term that has been circulating in many different areas, long enough for there to be various forms of this ‘laughter meditation.’ Some of these various forms integrates specific laughing exercise as part of meditation to maintain focus.


Much like Pranayama, laughter is a form of breath work. One of its many benefits in meditation is that laughter overrides the negative scripts you may have stuck in your head. It is almost impossible to feel miserable, angry, or anxious and be laughing at the same time, which makes laughter good for the mind, body, and spirit.

kyle-sterk-419086-unsplashTo learn more about Laughter Meditation, contact us at:

Wishing you peace, joy, and a life full of laughter,


Rochel Marie Lawson,
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous

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