Blissful Living

Blissful Living

Living a blissful life is easier than you think. Once you know what blissful living is and how easy it is to obtain it, you will want to live this way. The quickest way to live a Blissful life is to eliminate stress.

You may be thinking, “ eliminate stress, is that even possible,” and if so how do I accomplish that? You know as well as I do that our society is built upon the battle with stress. Just the thought of the word “stress” causes a stress reaction in most all human beings. So how can the battle of eliminating stress be won without stressing you out?

Here are five things that you can do everyday to win the battle with eliminating stress:

1. Take a Walk
Our life has become more and more sedentary. We are sitting, standing of lying down for longer periods of time. This can cause an imbalance in our balance of mental to physical energy expended creating stress within. Taking a walk for at least 10 minutes in nature will release feel good endorphins within your body elevating your mental clarity, mental bliss while invigorating your body.

2. Eat Lunch Somewhere Pleasant
Lunchtime is a wonderful time to take a break and remove yourself from the confines of your desk. Find a place that’s relaxing, quiet and peaceful to eat your lunch or go to lunch with co-workers and release the pent up energy. And while at lunch engage in pleasant and positive conversations or thoughts. Refrain from complaining, criticizing and gossiping. This helps to set a blissful tone for the remainder of the workday.

3. Relax Your Muscles with a Body Scan
Progressive muscle relaxation can help you notice where you’re holding stress. It doesn’t take long and it’s simple to do: Lie down comfortably on your back with your legs straight. Close your eyes. Start by tensing muscles in your feet, and then relax. Continue the process working your way up your body doing the same thing in sequence from your feet to your head, starting with the right side of your body. Often it’s only by experiencing muscle tension and letting it go that we become aware of just how much tension our bodies are retaining.

4. Minimize Multitasking
Studies have shown that multitasking is not as efficient or effective as it once was thought to be. Jumping around from one thing to another to another in a constant state of partial attention is exhausting, inefficient and highly stressful. Try giving full attention to one thing at a time and watch your efficiency, effectiveness and Bliss increase.

5. Get Your Face Out Of Your Phone
Set boundaries on when, where and how you will use your phone. Beware of the “dominating phone.” This is a phone that dominates your life to the point that your phone is in your hands more than not. Try eliminating your phone usage after 8:30pm and not using it before 7:00am and lastly putting your phone away during meals, parties or interacting with your family.

When we choose the path to bliss, we begin to enjoy our journey. Taking small steps to bring Bliss into our life is exactly what we are meant to do. It’s our destiny to live a life of Bliss and by learning what to do to accomplish the goal of Bliss, makes the journey even more special.

Wishing you peace to your mind, wellness to your body and tranquility to your spirit.


Rochel Marie Lawson, RN, AHP, CMS
The Queen of Feeling Fabulous
Host of Blissful Living
Twitter: @rochelelawson
Instagram: rochelelawson
Facebook: rochele.lawson.5

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